Deb and I did some wandering over the past 14 years: New Cumberland; Raleigh; Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head, SC; Summerfield and Hudson, FL; Portland; Bainbridge Island, WA; Orient Beach, St. Martin; Montpellier, France; and now Alicante, Spain. We sold homes, gave away furniture and cars, downsized and lived out of backpacks and suitcases. Currently we're in Alicante, Spain, where we plan to settle (for awhile). I poked this long-dormant blog awake so I could chronicle our attempts to learn to live in a foreign land. Let's see what happens.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Brookgreen Gardens

We spent yesterday (our 33rd wedding anniversary) enjoying Brookgreen Gardens. The gardens have proven to be the highlight of our stay here in Myrtle Beach. One of the objects of becoming vagabonds was to stay in different locations long enough to discover and enjoy attractions we might miss during a shorter visit.

While we certainly would have had time to visit the gardens during a shorter visit, staying here for several months gave us the opportunity to see it in different seasons and to take unhurried strolls through the meandering paths. And, in the next few weeks the alligators will appear adding a little spice to the visit.

As far as the gardens themselves, it was a revelation to see statues outside of urban settings (Washington, D.C.,) or in museums. If you get a chance to visit the gardens be sure to find Pegasus, the Fountain of the Muses and Don Quixote.

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